Sunday, July 10, 2011

The World is just way too Fascinating

Its just one of those random thought which is sure to occur in your mind when you realize just how "awesome"  our planet is, and not only our planet but our entire universe. In spite of the fact that many "coincidences" led to formation of the universe as we know it even more mind-boggling "coincidences" led to the formation of our solar system and our mother Earth. Just how everything fits in together makes one wonder.

While randomly strolling through the information-superhighway, I came across this really awesome website :
For starters this website claims itself to be a humor website but when you start going through the articles that this website publishes or has published, you would realize these are more than just simple humor, these are really enlightening sources of information.Articles such as these :

makes you realize just how little you know about the world and how we are just mere mortals(some of these are really scary-shit), apart from all this even the writing style of the authors is just too [insert an appropriate adjective].

I am sure that once when you start going through this website (The articles) the same thing will wriggle through your thought cycle just like it did mine "The world is just way too fascinating". =D

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