Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Letsrock !

Okay ! So Second year of my college life would have been something-bigger-than-blip if it weren't for some of the best people I have met till this day. All my time would have been hopelessly spent mastering Counter Strike or more horrifically on something creative/productive, if it weren't for these guys. They are some of the closest people to my heart and this post goes out to them for making my college life so rocking, mastiful and some-more-adjectives . /wahaha

They are the inhabitants of the 'letsrock' lobby. :D

So where do I even begin.....okay first of all a little background. Everyone in letsrock was/is 2 years senior to me (in regard of passing out :P )  [except for Panwa; 1 year]. It was certainly fate that I met them. If it weren't for them, I would have never got acquainted with DOTA and then things would have been very different; How different ! Way-way-different. Lets see list of things of things I did in college :
*Bakkar (Masti)
and so-on.

Yes, this is probably correct...you can understand how things would have been different its something proportional to 'The Nail'.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost,

for want of a shoe the horse was lost,

for want of a horse the knight was lost,
for want of a knight the battle was lost.
So it was a kingdom was lost - all for want of a nail.

It was pure coincidence that I came to Pandu's room one day and saw him playing something familiar (Warcraft III) , which he then corrected was actually DOTA.  And well rest is as they say, History.
It was then I met everyone else... my partners in crime :D : 90, Ganja, Chottu, Buddha, Mama, Cherry, Nattu, Walia and then there were those who didn't play :P Duggi, Pandit, Mahendru, Tandon (calling most of them 'sir' would just be a lame formality, cuz certainly they are more than that).

Uhhh...how i miss everything... /no

 From kicking out Chottu from his room when it was time to sleep and ofcourse his stand-out-comic laugh, teasing Mama "R" over anything-and-everything , Me and Panwa playing with AI, tagging along for dinner :D , 90 & Pandu giving me chocolates whenever they would come to cafe and spot me,well more on the lines of me asking for it :P , occasional enlightening chats with Pandit sir when everyone would be sleeping in the afternoons, Duggi sir saving me from that hostel-check (that was fun !), asking mahendru sir for a mouse when my imba mouse would start acting up, getting loads of movies and games from ganja, Nattu sir's quick remarks, Cherry sir always advising on how to play and what to-do :D  and many... many... maaaa.....neeeee  other things.

This is just the tip of the awesomeness-iceberg of 'letsrock'. You have to experience 'letsrock' to know it. :D



  1. seriously, gr8 days of our lives... RESPECT \m/ \m/

  2. ohhh...finally the post came out,after last night's chit chat! :D...you,anyway,were everybody's favourite :P:D (don't get too flattered by this now :D)
