Thursday, August 4, 2011


All things truly wicked start from innocence.  
                                                                     --  Ernest Hemmingway

Recently I was in a conversation with someone, when suddenly the question of 'innocence' rose. Initially I was boggled over the use of the word adjectivally, my reaction to which was nothing other than a burst of laughter [which wasn't totally uncalled for; but still wasn't polite] anyways, next day, suddenly my mind went into a sudden thought-processing state; Which may seem funny[crazy] but when the electricity has been out for 4 hours and you have nothing better to do, mind tends to wander off and do silly things.

Well in this state, I started to think about the word "Innocent".

How its definition varies from "suffering" to "naivety", how it is something that cannot be claimed, how it is something which we think, we tend to loose as we grow up whilst trying to hold on to its fragments.

What truly is innocence ?
Is it a spectre of something which we project upon children which really isn't there or is it really something which makes us simple beings or is it just a discrete state of mind.

The world defines Innocence as "Lack of guilt, lack of experience, lack of guile or corruption",so, It is everything which children are epitome of. Children who have 'no worries'. No worries of where the world is going, no worries as to what the world is doing and no worries as to what to do next?.
As soon as we start to question we begin to loose the essence of innocence. Because knowledge taints the way we think.

All these thoughts were just bottling up, so I needed to let it out. Coz you know, if you put it out for the world to see just maybe someone might figure something out.Lets just call this my innocent thinking.